AddTraction 0.001 - a small boardgame (C) 2004 by Andre Kloss
Welcome to AddTraction Version 0.001. This text will explain what the
game is about and how you get it up and running. Also take a look at
COPYING if you have not yet seen the GPL and want to know what you are
permitted to do with this stuff besides playing.
The Game
Two players ("red" and "green" take their turns on a 6x6 board. In the
beginning the board is empty except for a red "1" in the upper left and
a green "1" in the lower right.
Making a turn means setting one field of the board. Setting a field
makes it assume the sum of the points of the 8 surrounding fields, e. g.
1 1 - 1 1 -
2 * - => 2 4 -
- - - - - -
But there is a catch: If the field is of the opponent's color, their
score is subtracted rather than added. If the resulting score is
positive, the field will get your color, else your opponent's color.
The same happens to the global score, which is just a colored difference
of the score of all fields on the board.
If the score in the end is red, red wins. If it is green, green wins. If
it is black (0), it is a draw. Have fun!
Oh, and if you have enough of it before the game is over, just press 'q'
or 'ESC', or you can just close the window. Else, if all fields are
filled, the program will exit on the next mouse button oder key press.
This game requires libSDL ( - tested with version
1.2.6, but it should probably run with any version since 1.something.
The window resolution is (for now) set fixed at 800x600 pixels at 16bpp.
I have not tested what SDL does to a screen with lower resolutions.
type (as root, preferably)
make && make install
on the console. It's that simple. The bitmaps will go into
/usr/share/games/addt/, the executable into /usr/bin. You can overwrite
these defaults by setting BITMAP_PATH and INSTALL_PATH, respectively.
For example, if you are not root, you may want to do this:
make && make install INSTALL_PATH=~ BITMAP_PATH=~/.addt/
This will install AddTraction directly into your home directory.
make uninstall (be sure to use the same path settings) will delete
AddTraction from your system.
There is also a lua version of the game (addt.lua). This was the very
initial version, as I tried to prototype the game using lua and luaSDL.
It has worked very good for me, unless the event handling, which suffers
from an error in luaSDL. I will probably test new features (for example
computer opponents) in lua first, as it is faster to code in.
Look into TODO in this directory to see what I am up to. |