Note from Aminet administration:
As found here: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=98412
Repacked as LhA, since Aminet doesn't support RAR
BeatSaber clone for 68K Amiga.
Runs on a stock A500 with HDD but more is needed.
The project is startted with an idea to build an ArduinoNano+GyroMPU6050
controller to simulate hand movement throu the amiga mouse.
The Arduino controller was too slow, the data came out delayed... allways.
So it was a fail, but I tried to recreate the game for fun, as cose as I can
and possible.
(I dont know how useable woud be a lightgun?)
The Custom (TEST) songs are are from:
Original download:
Amos Source:
Sövény Imre
Hungary - 2019.08.20.
1. Author
2. Title
3. Beat per minute
4. Time code
5. Row
6. Collumn
7. Color (0 Blue,1 Red,2 bomb)
8. Cut directions 0 up, 1 down, 2 left, 3 right, 4 ul, 5 ur, 6 dl, 7 dr, 8 mid)
.... Repeat 4-8
Filename can be anything start with "level "+number+".txt"
Use Bs2As.exe (Winx86) to convert original BeatSaber Custom Songs to Amisaber
Or you can create your own levels with a BeatSaber Level Editor and convert it.
Just copy to the Custom Song folder you want to convert and execute.
You can download Custom Songs from:
1. Time code
2. Title
3. Beat per minute
Filename can be anything start with "level "+number+".afx".
It is for the backgroud visualfx...not needed.
When it is exists, the rhytmic bacground lighting is from that file.
When it dont exists, the rhytmic bacground lighting is off or with sync with
the boxes.
Background Image:
Filename can be anything start with "level "+number+".bg"
Normal 4 color iff (0:black,1:blue,2:red,3:white).
Colors are a dimmed versions of the color theme you chose.
...not needed
Filename can be anything start with "level "+number+".mod" or
"level "+number+".iff"
The only rule is either Tracker Music OR! IFF Sample.
I used Goldwave to convert OGG (and EGG) files to IFF Samples.
In that case you have to create a "level "+number+".fre" file, it contains the
sampling rate.
Sampling buffer is fixed at start. You have to modify manualy in options file
if you need more.
In case of MOD music, the speed is set to 100bpm and 100%
"options" file contains sampling buffer size.
1. zoom ...field of view?
2. number of blocks on screen+1
3. player distance from screen
4. time or audio sync (0: time, 1: audio)
5. quality (1:low, 2: high, 3: extra)
6. color theme (1,2,3)
7. mouse mode (1:left or red only, 2: right or blue, 3: 1+2)
8. speed (%)
9. max fail count (0:Off or 1...10)
10. sound (0:Off, 1:On)
11. info panel (0:Off, 1:On)
12. start level (1)
13. sound buffer size (at least x*11025, and x*2 if stereo!)
14. VFX (0:Off, 1:On or Pulse if there is a *.afx file)
15. number of note sides (quality:3)